Researcher biography

Associate Professor Lata Vadlamudi is a Senior Staff Specialist in Neurology at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital; Epileptologist within the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program; Metro North Clinician Research Fellow; and Neurosciences Theme Leader at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research. She is a Group Leader at UQCCR and her research group is entitled Epilepsy Research- Precision-based management. Webpage-

She obtained her medical degree from the University of QLD and completed physician training in the field of Neurology. Further specialized training in epilepsy was undertaken in Melbourne, Sydney and the Mayo Clinic, USA. PhD was obtained from the University of Melbourne, which was entitled “The Genetics of Epilepsy: The Testimony of Twins”.

Clinical interests include integrating genomics into clinical care and management of women with epilepsy, in particular during pregnancy. Current research projects include developing patient-specific organoid models to personalise epilepsy care and a current MRFF-funded stem cell therapies PERSIST mission; RNA therapeutics; genomic and epigenomic studies in epilepsy, with a particular interest in twin studies.

Awards have included Metro North Clinician Research Fellowship; Highly Commended Clinical Research Award by Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Epilepsy Queensland Health Award for contributions to the medical care of people with epilepsy; and Leonard Cox Award from the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists for outstanding contribution to research in the field of Neurology