Antimicrobial Optimisation Group: Ask me about my research
Dr Menino Os Cotta
Meet Menino Os Cotta! Os is a pharmacist researcher whose innovative, transformative research uses advanced approaches to dose optimisation to improve patient outcomes and reduce the emergence of antibiotic resistance worldwide.
Q1. What made you pick the field of research you are in?
Q2. Tell us about your research and how it is helping to improve the lives of sick and critically ill patients?
Dr Nilesh Kumta
Meet our up coming and talented researcher Dr Nilesh Kumta whose research into optimal antibiotic dosing into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) will help save many critically ill patients with serious central nervous system infections.
Q1. What made you pick the field of research you are in?
Q2. Tell us about your research and how it is helping to improve the lives of sick and critically ill patients?
Dr Martha Druery
Meet Martha Druery - an experienced social worker. Martha's research into the psychosocial aspects of dealing with burns injury will help burns victims get back into everyday living sooner after leaving hospital.
Q1. What made you pick the field of research you are in?
Q2. Tell us about your research and how it is helping to improve the lives of sick and critically ill patients?
Professor Jason Roberts
Meet Professor Jason Roberts, the amazing (yet incredibly humble) Director for REDUCE Centre for Research Excellence and NHMRC Practitioner Fellow at BTCCRC.Today we had a chat to Jason about his vital work in pharmacokinetics and what he loves most about his research.
Q1. What made you pick the field of research you are in?
Q2. Tell us about your research and how it is helping to improve the lives of sick and critically ill patients?
Dr Steven Wallis
Meet Dr Steven Wallis our talented Laboratory Manager and Senior Scientist here at the Burns, Trauma & Critical Care Research Centre. Today we visited Steve in the lab to chat to him about his research and find out why he loves his work.