Specialist research equipment
In addition to mass spectrometry, CCR offers a full range of services available for Australian and international researchers. Please read more on these services below.
Bio-Plex suspension array system
The Bio-Plex 200 system is a suspension array system which offers protein and nucleic acid researchers with a reliable multiplex assay solution that permits the analysis of up to 100 biomolecules in a single sample. Benefits are short assay time (3-4 hours), low sample volume (50ul) and better sensitivity and dynamic range compared to ELISA.
A number of pre-mixed magnetic bead-based assays are available from Bio-Rad and provide robust and reproducible measurement of proteins involved in a broad range of research areas including:
- Cancer
- Immunology/Inflammation
- Cell Signalling
- Kidney Toxicology
- Metabolic
Live cell imaging and cellular assays (IncuCyte)
The Essen IncuCyte is an incubator microscope system for live cell imaging and cellular assays. The system allows time lapse live cell imaging of cells in a variety of vessels, including dishes, tissue culture plates, and multi-well chambers. Images can be reviewed and analyzed from a networked remote computer without opening the incubator or disturbing the cells.
The system is especially suited for monitoring cell lines (cell growth, transgene expression, cell migration), and for high content assay development. The analysis software suite includes validated assays for cell migration, scratch wound assay, apoptosis, cell proliferation, angiogenesis, reporter gene expression, and more.
UQCCR houses 2 IncuCyte systems – an Incucyte S3 and and Incucyte FLR. The systems include:
- 4x, 10x, and 20x Nikon objectives (S3), or 10x Nikon Objective (FLR)
- Enhanced phase contrast and green fluorescence, + red fluorescence (S3 only)
- 16.4 TB (S3)/3 TB (FLR) data server
- Incucyte image viewing and analysis software. Includes many validated assays.
Accepts micro-plates (96, 48, 24, 12, and 6 well), culture flasks (T25, T75, T175), dishes (35mm and 90mm), and slide chambers.
Sample Imaging Specifications (10x objective):
- Image Resolution: 1.49 microns
- Image Format: 1280 x 1024 pixels
- Field of View: 1.90 x 1.52 mm
Fluorescence Optical Configuration:
- Green (both systems)
- Excitation filter: 440-480 nm
- Emission filter: 504-544 nm
- Red (S3 only)
- Excitation filter: 565-605 nm
- Emission filter: 625-705 nm
Leica LMD (laser microdissection) 7000
The Leica LMD7000 is a laser microdissection system for contact and contamination free dissection and specimen collection. LMD makes it possible to obtain homogenous, ultrapure samples from heterogenous starting material. A researcher can selectively and routinely analyse regions of interest down to single cells and chromosomes to obtain results that are reproducible, and specific.
LMD is commonly used for the following investigations:
- Absolute identification of mutations within cells of interest
- Gene expression profiling of a specific cell type within a tissue
- Identification of cell proteins during a specific physiological event
- Isolation and further cultivation of transgenic cells from a culture
Agilent 4150 TapeStation analyser
The industry standard instruments for evaluating sample quality of biomolecules, the TapeStation provides robust low-throughput QC data from minimal sample volumes, and support NGS, microarray and qPCR workflows. Microfluidics chips suitable for analyzing a wide array of sample types and scales are available, and allow the analysis of up to 16 samples/Screentape for the TapeStation. The TapeStation offers significant reductions in run-time compared to the Bioanalyzr, with data available in 1-2 minutes per sample.
The Histology suite contains the following equipment for sample processing/staining with all their basic reagents.
Leica HistoCore PEARL
The HistoCore PEARL tissue processor combines compact design with essential features needed in the laboratory: User safety and ease-of-use. This fully enclosed tissue processor provides high-end reliability with a new retort design, and allows safe and reliable conventional processing with a 200 cassette per run capacity. Logs are created per run, making it ideal for researchers working in a quality-controlled environment.
Leica HistoCore Arcadia C + H modules
The HistoCore Arcadia Hot and Cold modules allow for simple operation and precise control; resulting in improved specimen quality, smooth workflows, reliability and speed of embedding. Features include wristpads for increased comfort and stability; and an LCD touchscreen for increased control and monitoring of the instrument.
Leica Microtomes
Two microtomes are available for use - Multicut and RM2125 rotary microtome.
The Multicut is designed to combine the speed of a manual microtome with the precision of motorized specimen feeding, allowing achievement of consistent and reproducible sections. Its homing and memory positions enables fast and effortless trimming.
Leica autostainer ST5010 XL
This staining workhorse supports high specimen throughput with up to 11 racks of 30 slides at a time. Multiple programs, such as dewaxing and H&E, can also be run simultaneously.
ThermoFisher Scientific CryoStar NX70 cryostat
The cryostar NX70 cryostat comes with a large open chamber with bright LED lighting, integrated color LCD touchscreen and joystick for improved workflows. The ergonomical design includes a height adjustment with comfortable form-fitting front panel and armrest to reduce user fatigue. Its rapid response temperature control allows efficient cooling of the object holder, blade holder and cryobar. The knife holder advances instead of the specimen head, thereby reducing sample wobble and improving sectioning. Dedicated holders are also available for low and high profile blades.
Contact us for bookings and enquiries:
General Email: Facilitiesdesk@uqccr.uq.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 3346 5565