Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia is detrimental to the developing brain and leads to white matter injury and often cerebral palsy (CP), but the related pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear. We investigated the early and long-lasting mechanisms of pathophysiology that may be responsible for the various symptoms induced by mild intrauterine hypo perfusion (MIUH) and found persistent neurodevelopmental disorders of CP in this model. We are now investigating a prevention lead based on mesenchymal stem cells that appears very promising.
About UQCCR Seminar Series
UQCCR Seminar Series
The UQ Centre of Clinical Research (UQCCR) Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 12 pm - 1 pm (except during school holidays) currently on Zoom. The series features topics in multiple research fields, presented by invited international, interstate and local researchers.