Australian export control laws regulate the export from Australia to a place outside Australia of defence and strategic goods and technology. Such exports include both the physical (tangible) export of defence and strategic items and the transmission (intangible) of certain controlled technology via email or publication.

Categories of defence and strategic goods and technology include nuclear materials, facilities and equipment; materials, chemicals, microorganisms and toxins; and sensors and lasers.

 While your research or teaching work may not be specifically related to weapons or defence, it may involve defence and strategic goods and technology. Export of these items from Australia to a place outside Australia either tangibly or intangibly will require a permit.

About UQCCR Seminar Series

UQCCR Seminar Series

The UQ Centre of Clinical Research (UQCCR) Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 12 pm - 1 pm (except during school holidays) currently on Zoom. The series features topics in multiple research fields, presented by invited international, interstate and local researchers.


Other upcoming sessions