Dr Adam Hagg is a post-doctoral researcher in the laboratory of Dr Kelly Walton at the University of Queensland’s School of Biomedical Sciences. Adam received his PhD in physiology from Monash University in 2021. Under the supervision of Prof. Paul Gregorevic and A/Prof Craig Harrison, Adam conducted his research collaboratively across the Centre for Muscle Research at the University of Melbourne, the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and Monash University’s Department of Physiology. Adam’s PhD studies focused on identifying a novel role for the Bone Morphogenetic Protein signalling pathway in regulating skeletal muscle mass and neuromuscular remodelling in the setting of advanced cancer. 

Adam’s current research seeks to better understand the mechanisms responsible for systemic dysfunction, weakness and frailty associated with a variety of diseases. Leveraging his expertise in recombinant viral vectors and pre-clinical models, Adam interrogates the cellular and molecular processes that underpin skeletal muscle wasting and dysfunction. By developing new knowledge in pre-clinical models, Adam’s overarching aim is to identify new therapeutic strategies to combat skeletal muscle dysfunction associated with cancer, neuromuscular disorders, and metabolic diseases.


About UQCCR Seminar Series

UQCCR Seminar Series

The UQ Centre of Clinical Research (UQCCR) Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays from 12 pm - 1 pm (except during school holidays) currently on Zoom. The series features topics in multiple research fields, presented by invited international, interstate and local researchers.



UQCCR Auditorium and Zoom (https://uqz.zoom.us/j/85978624849)

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