UQCCR Genomics Subcommittee
UQCCR Genomics subcommittee is tasked to provide educational opportunities in the field of genomics. Specifically, facilitation and information regarding relevant workshops for both students and staff as well as the organisation of human-health genomics seminars with a focus on novel tools and applications.
- Chair: Dominic Guanzon - d.guanzon@uq.edu.au
- Deputy Chair: Leah Roberts - l.roberts3@uq.edu.au
- Member: Rhys Izuagbe - r.izuagbe@uq.edu.au
- Member: Ella Trembizki - e.trembizki@uq.edu.au
- Member: Brian Forde - b.forde@uq.edu.au
- Member: Jun Yan - j.yan@uq.edu.au
- Member: Kym Lowry - k.lowry@uq.edu.au
- Member: Patrick Harris - p.harris@uq.edu.au
- Member: Krispin Hajkowicz - k.hajkowicz@uq.edu.au
UQCCR genomic facilities and equipment
Illumina MiniSeq
Oxford Nanopore – MinION and PromethION
Forde cluster for microbial genomics analysis
Please feel free to contact Dr Kay Ramsay, Senior Lab Manager for further detail.
Genomic related resources
NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
Provides a wide range of resources including databases like PubMed, GenBank, BLAST, and various tools for sequence analysis, genome browsing, and more. Visit the NCBI website.
Offers genome databases and analysis tools for vertebrates and other eukaryotic species. It provides access to genomic data, gene annotation, comparative genomics, and more. Websites: useast.ensembl.org and asia.ensembl.org
UCSC Genome Browser
A widely used tool for visualizing and analyzing genomic data. It provides access to a large collection of genome assemblies and annotations from various organisms. Visit the UCSC Genome Browser website.
Galaxy Project
A platform for data-intensive biomedical research that provides a web-based interface for accessing a wide range of bioinformatics tools and workflows. Visit the Galaxy Project website.
An open-source software project for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data, offering a wide range of packages for statistical analysis, visualization, and annotation. Visit the Bioconductor website.
EMBL-EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute)
Offers a suite of bioinformatics tools and databases, including resources for genomics, proteomics, and structural biology. Visit the EMBL-EBI website.
Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
A software package developed by the Broad Institute for variant discovery in high-throughput sequencing data. It provides tools for variant calling, genotyping, and other genomic analyses. Websites: broadinstitute.org/scientific-community/software/genome-analysis-toolkit-gatk and gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us
A database of known and predicted protein-protein interactions, offering comprehensive coverage and various tools for network analysis. Visit the STRING website.
The NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences. Visit the GenBank website.
Offers a wide range of tools and databases for proteomics research, including sequence analysis, protein structure prediction, and more. Visit the ExPASy website.