Researcher biography

Dr Eloise Skinner is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the ODeSI research group at UQ and holds a Bachelor of Science (Zoology & Ecology majors), a Masters of Wild Animal Biology and a PhD in Epidemiology.

Dr Skinner has a background in research on the environmental and climate factors driving the transmission of environmentally mediated diseases across different spatial and temporal scales. She is particularly interested in investigating the dynamics, relative importance and impacts of land-use change, species interactions and climate change on infectious disease dynamics. Her main study system of interest is vector-borne diseases which can have diverse and unexpected outbreaks following environmental changes. Eloise's research applies spatial epidemiology, mathematical modelling and fieldwork methods to untangle the interactions between vectors, hosts and their environment across populations and landscapes.

Dr Skinner has worked with local and international governments and research institutions to identify the greatest challenges for managing vector-borne diseases. Her reserach is highly regarded in her field and she has been awarded around $350,000 of research funding since 2018.