Researcher biography

Dr Leah Roberts is a bacterial bioinformatician currently working on clinically important bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. She uses whole genome sequencing to investigate mobile genetic elements, such as plasmids, that can transfer horizontally between bacteria thereby spreading resistance within a bacterial population. Her research is focused on developing bioinformatic tools and studying the epidemiology of bacteria commonly associated with Hospital Acquired Infections.

After obtaining her PhD from the University of Queensland in 2019 she moved to the United Kingdom to undertake a Biomedical Fellowship with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory's European Bioinformatics Institute and the University of Cambridge. In 2023 she returned to Australia with a lecturer position at the Queensland University of Technology. In the same year she was awarded an NHMRC EL1 Investigator Fellowship and has since moved to the UQ Centre for Clinical Research on the Herston campus. She collaborates with a number of public health providers including Pathology Queensland and Forensic Scientific Services.