Prostate cancer

What is prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australia, affecting 1 in 6 men in their lifetime. The prostate is a small strawberry-shaped gland that sits under the bladder in the pelvis and is a reproductive organ. As men age, their chance of developing prostate cancer increases and we are increasingly seeing men dying of prostate cancer(>3,300 deaths/year in Australia).

What causes prostate cancer?

There are no known direct causes for prostate cancer but we see that it is more common in men as they age and men with a family history of prostate cancer (father, brother, uncle) or breast/ovarian cancers (mother, sister etc.).

What prostate cancer research is being done at UQCCR?

UQCCR Researchers have strong clinical ties to hospitals (RBWH, Redcliffe, Wesley) and clinics (Wesley Urology Clinic) that treat men with prostate cancer. We are working on the following aspects:

  • Early detection of prostate cancer via a urine test that can simply find cancer-related proteins/molecules that is more accurate than current tests (e.g. PSA blood test)
  • Use of advanced imaging (PSMA PET, MRI scanning) to improve diagnosis and reduce need for invasive prostate biopsies in the initial phase, as well as use imaging to potentially reduce need for advanced treatments (e.g. radiotherapy) that have side effects
  • Advanced cancer imaging (PET) and treatment approaches, including immunotherapy and radioligand therapy (whole-body targeted radiotherapy)
  • Cancer biology research to understand how and why aggressive, potentially fatal cancers develop

Research groups

Prostate theranostics and urological diseases (Roberts Group)

Fast facts

  • Estimated 18,110 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in 2021
  • Estimated 23% of all new male cancer cases diagnosed in 2021
  • Estimated 3323 deaths from prostate cancer in 2021