Practice-based research is not a new concept, but it is under-utilised in public health. In this presentation, Megan will describe the journey from the practice of public health medicine in a public health unit to practice-based research to the translation of the results into policy and back into practice. Through examples involving her work on enteric fever and rubella, she will highlight how a variety of methodologies might be utilised in this space including the use of routinely collected data, re-examination of existing research, mathematical modelling, and clinical trials.

Dr Megan Young is a Public Health Physician at the Metro North Public Health Unit in Brisbane who holds a PhD in Public Health, and Adjunct Associate Professor positions at the University of Queensland and Griffith University.  Her research interests centre around notifiable communicable diseases. She regularly sits on State and National communicable disease policy working groups.



UQCCR Auditorium (Level 2, UQCCR, Herston Campus) or on Zoom: