
  • Hammad Ali

    Dr Hammad Ali

    Adjunct Associate Professor
    School of Public Health
    US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Jessica Chellappah

    Dr Jessica Chellappah

    Australian Defence Force Malaria and Infectious Disease Institute
  • Deborah Mills

    Dr Deborah Mills

    Dr Deb’s The Travel Doctor
  • Dr Sarah Sheridan

    National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS)
  • Nicolas Smoll

    Dr Nicolas Smoll

    Sunshine Coast Health




Patricia GravesProfessor Patricia Graves (James Cook University)



Paul JagalsProfessor Paul Jagals (Child Health Research Centre, UQ)




Angus McLureDr Angus McLure (Australian National University)



Brady McphersonLt Col Brady McPherson (Australian Defence Force Malaria and Infectious Disease Institute)



Aminath Shausan Dr Aminath Shausan (CSIRO E-Health)



Meru SheelAssociate Professor Meru Sheel (The University of Sydney)



Peter SlyProfessor Peter Sly (Child Health Research Centre, UQ)



Emma McBrydeProfessor Emma McBryde (Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, JCU)



Current students

Beatris MartinDr Beatris Martin (PhD, UQ Centre for Clinical Research): Spatio-temporal epidemiology of vector-borne diseases in the Dominican Republic



WondimenehWondimeneh Shiferaw (PhD, UQ Centre for Clinical Research): Assessing risk of importation of sexually transmitted infections into Australia by international travellers



Selina WardSelina Ward (PhD, UQ Centre for Clinical Research) - Integrated Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases



Thomas CallaghanThomas Callaghan (PhD, UQ School of Veterinary Sciences): A big data food-chain approach to the epidemiology of zoonotic foodborne illness in Queensland



Nicky FoxleeNicky Foxlee (PhD, ANU School of Population Health, NCEPH): Developing Pathways to Improving Antibiotic Stewardship in Vanuatu



Jemma RowlandsJemma Rowlands (PhD, School of Public Health): Enhancing infectious disease surveillance through the integration of routinely collected data



Jane SinclairJane Sinclair (PhD, UQ School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences): The long-term cardiovascular complications of COVID-19



Ama WakwellaAma Wakwella (PhD, UQ Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science): Delivering human and ecosystem health co‐benefits through integrated watershed management: improving disease prevention, fisheries, and marine environments in Fiji



Sophie WenDr Sophie Wen (PhD, UQ Medical School): Gram negative blood stream infections in children



 Kim Dianne Ligue (PhD, UQ Centre for Clinical Research): Using Machine Learning for Epidemiological Research on the African Swine Fever Epidemic in the Philippines




Holly Jian (Visiting Research Student, Masters of Applied Epidemiology, ANU School of Population Health, NCEPH) 



Fan YuFan Yu (PhD, UQ Centre for Clinical Research): Epidemiology and burden of rotavirus infections in Australia




Jin CaoJin Cao (PhD, Child Health Research Centre): Climate and Environmental Change, Water Security, and Children's Vulnerability